Ella Flagg Young to Jane Addams, December 12, 1910

Board of Education
City of Chicago
Tribune Building
Office of the Superintendent of Schools

December 12, 1910.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

My dear Miss Addams:

Miss Brayton and I are enjoying the expansion of "Twenty Years at Hull House". We had immediately upon its publication provided ourselves with a copy, but "the compliments of the Author, Jane Addams" made the copy sent by you more precious than a "bought" one. So the first was given to a school principal, who will gain inspiration from it. As I said to you, I am fully persuaded that you owed it to your readers to give them something of your educational ideas in addition to recounting the work of the Dunne School Board; and I think you owed it to Miss Addams to show what she aimed to do for children. So far as the School Board episode is concerned, it is sketched true to life; but, there was more. 

One of the disappointments, occasionally attendant upon my official duties, came to me Wednesday with the summons to be present at four committee meetings extending throughout the entire afternoon of Thursday, December eighth. I had decided to run away from the regular office hour, and had accepted the invitation to hear you speak at The Fortnightly Club, but committee meetings with our business Board are not to be treated lightly, and so I drew [page 2] back into my shell and missed your presentation of "Woman and the State". I hope some day when you are to repeat it, that I may be invited to try running away to get a whiff of the air outside.

Very truly yours,

Ella Flagg Young [signed]

Superintendent of Schools.


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