Reinhardt Rahr to Jane Addams, March 22, 1920

The William Rahr Sons' Company
Manitowoc, Wis.

March 22, 1920.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

In my work for Austrian and German children's relief, for which I have now collected about twelve thousand dollars, I sometimes meet with opposition.

I was shown a letter, which I copied (although I feel that I had no right or authority to make a copy), and which affected me in a very peculiar way, and I would like to get your confidential opinion. You may rest assured that it will go no further.

You can of course imagine that in view of such letters we would experience difficulty. How am I to overcome such a letter? It was written by a German-American, a farmer's son, who has risen to be a major and is stationed at Coblenz, and he writes this letter to his parents. Of course, there is a mitigating circumstance, for he is suffering from enlargement of the head, which is a bad malady. The words underscored in the copy were also underscored in the original, and it is a verbatim and exact copy. Will you please return the letter with your comments?

With kind personal regards, believe me

Yours very truly,

Reinhardt Rahr [signed]

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