Anna Marcet Haldeman to Jane Addams, July 14, 1910


Cedarville, Ill.

Dearest Auntie,


Grandmother has given her sanction to a letter, just sent to Mr Cox, asking him to make an appointment with us to take a photograph of Grandfather's portrait. I told him, I did so at your request as I inferred from your [page 2] letter to Mother that you had discussed with him just what you wanted. As soon as he sets the date (which I asked him to make not later than sometime next week), John will take the picture in to him.

This has been a big concession for Grandmother and I hope the very first second you have time you will write her your "very prettiest" as I told her I should let you know that she [page 3] had given her consent.

We get a long letter from Mother every day and she seems to be in splendid health and spirits. All her old friends have given her a mighty hearty welcome, she has already had company, is expecting more (Sarah Moffatt), gets along nicely with her baths and says in each letter that everything is more than O.K. I had fully intended going west with her, and had made all my arrangements to do so, but ↑when the time came↓ she had grown so strong and well and insisted so firmly that she did not need me, that as Grandmother evidently did I stayed here. Your little visit did us all lots of good!

We have a houseful now with Cousin Mamie and the "little white saint." When I went in to Freeport to meet her, I asked Grandmother to describe her to me, but that sagacious lady only smiled and said I would know her, the [page 4] minute I saw her. I must confess that as the train pulled in, I felt quite excited and not a little doubtful of my powers of divination, but the second she stepped into the doorway, I was as certain she was Miss Officer as if I had known her for years and years, and by the time we had reached home, I could not remember the day when we had not been friends -- partly because I am so chummy with Grandmother that [page 5] all the olden times are as real to me as if I had lived through them. Miss Officer loves sleeping out and does it every night -- therefore much flying about in the early light to transform our sleeping quarters into an attractive morning breakfast room for her and Grandmother.

We expect Cousin Sarah Hostetter to stay (with John) with Grandmother while Mary goes north for a rest and I enter the lists once more. Mary liked the dress [page 6] you sent, ever so much and it is remarkably becoming to her! The family has been reading the "Old Wives Tale" so constantly that I haven't had an opportunity to glance between the covers, but if they all finish it, I shall take it with me.

I had a nice letter from Norah Hamilton the other day. I'm afraid she will have left Hull House before I go in. I do hope not, for I am keen to see the sketches of the city part of "The Book." I think I shall spend one night in Chicago, if I can find a nook, in which to stow myself.

I wish I could peep in upon you this moment! I hope you are really resting, as well as Miss Smith. Please give her my loving greetings! Grandmother and Mary ask me to send you their love, and I am always with a heartful of it,


July 14th" 1910.