Jane Bancroft Robinson to Jane Addams, September 21, 1923



1303 Wentworth Ave.,
Pasadena, Sept. 21, 1923.

My dear Miss Addams:

Years ago when I was President of our Collegiate Alumnae Association in Detroit, you came over and spoke to us upon your Settlement work. I had always felt a keen appreciation of the service that you had rendered mankind, and naturally since that time I have felt a deep, personal interest in you.

It is with much sorrow that I note you are not in your usual health. I am living in Pasadena, and if in any way I can be of service to you I should be very glad to have you call upon me. Whether that may be so or not, I want you to know that among the many who appreciate and love you for your work's sake, that I am one.

Yours faithfully,

Jane Bancroft Robinson, (Mrs. George O.) [signed]

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