Helen Louise Johnson to Jane Addams, April 23, 1910



April 23, 1910.

My dear Miss Adams:-

I feel it is probably necessary to bring a remembrance of me to your mind, as your life is very full of many things and people. When I was teaching with Miss Bevier in the University of Illinois, and also when in Chicago, editing the American School of Home Economics books, I called upon you at Hull House. I had previously met you several years ago at the Chicago World's Fair when the first Home Economics Association was in the process of forming. Further, if you will telephone Mrs. Norton of the University of Chicago, she will tell you about me.

And this whole preface is to prejudice you in my favor if possible for I am about to request from you a brief message apropos to the 25th Anniversary of Good Housekeeping Magazine, which occurs this fall. I want merely the message that you would care to give to a company of householders, (That word seems more appropriate than housewives or housemothers, although the latter is really what I mean,) as to what you consider a woman's life work to be, merely a few sentences. Miss Addams, such as you would write to me personally, perhaps expressive of what you believe to be the highest aims in life for a woman.

I am asking this as a personal favor because I somewhat feel a doubt of you wishing to do it as a magazine favor, [page 2] but I shall be most appreciative of your kindness and what will amount to real personal assistance in giving it.

May I hear from you before long?

Yours very sincerely,

Helen Louise Johnson [signed]

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.