Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, November 10, 1923


American Relief for Russian Women and Children

Room 1318, 19 South La Salle Street, Chicago

Nov 10" 1923

My dear Marcet

It was very nice to have your letter and to be at last sure that you were in Girard.

I am sending off today a package I have had ready for a long time.

It contains a little jade mirror for you,

2 cigarette holders, the ivory one from Canton & the amber from [Korea] for Manuel.

A set of ivory dominoes & a Hangchow knife & three wooden Japanese men for Henry

A jade ornament & a doll with wigs for Alice

[A jade ornament & a] Japanese garden [for]  Joey.

I hope you will like them all and above all I hope that Alice is all right once more. Hoping to see you in December I am always your devoted Aunt Jane Addams