Charles Sumner Bacon to Anna Mary Lloyd, November 20, 1922


November 20th, 1922

Miss Lloyd,
Hull House,

Dear Miss Lloyd, --

I enclose Miss [MacMaster]'s letter to Miss Addams concerning the lectures of Frau Vetter which was handed to me by Mrs. Dr. Koessler. As I told you by telephone I have taken up the matter with the Austrian Consul -- Mr. von Kleinwächter -- who engages to ask his wife to bring up the subject to the Columbia Damen Club. It seems to me that some other clubs should also be approached, perhaps the Woman's Club and also the Sinai Lecture Club.

I have heard of Frau [Vetter] from relatives in Vienna and believe that she is a very well informed and capable person. No doubt she will give valuable and interesting lectures which would be well worth hearing. If a course of three or four lectures could be arranged for by some organization that could properly advertise the lectures it would be desirable for several reasons.

I shall be very glad to hear what you do in the matter and I will keep you informed of anything I learn.

Very truly yours,

C. S. Bacon [signed]