Emily Greene Balch to Lewis Haskell, October 7, 1922


6th October, 1922.

To the American Consul, Geneva, and to whomsoever else it may concern:

This is to certify that I have known Miss Bertha Schulthess since May 1919, and know her to be a person of the highest confidence and of good capacity and health. She speaks French, German and a very little English. When I first knew her she was with my friend, Mlle. Gobat, daughter of the former Director of Public Education in the Swiss Confederation. As Mlle. Gobat was absent from home most of the day, Miss Schulthess had charge of the household, garden and especially of the little nephew of Mlle. Gobat, whom she is bringing up. Since last spring she has been at the Maison Internationale, the headquarters of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, where she has done all the work of the house and helped in many ways. She is a superior person, who will not, I am sure, have the smallest difficulty in attaining success in the United States, especially as during her stay at the International House she has made many friends in America. One of these is Miss Dummer of Evanston (?) Ill., with whom she is [traveling] to America. Miss Dummer is a lady of ample means, who is interested in Miss Schulthess’s future. Miss Jane Addams of Hull-House, Chicago, President of the W.I.L.P.F. can also be referred to in the matter.

Emily G. Balch [signed]