Jane Addams to Mary Howland Linn, February 18, 1908


Feby 18th 1908


My dear Mary

It was fine to have your long letter. I accept your invitation with pleasure. I speak at Mt Holyoke Thursday March 19th at night and so couldn't reach Cambridge until the next morning. I am due at Radcliffe at four ↑Friday March 20th↓ and at Wellesley at night, and the [next?] day there are some engagements in Boston, but I will [page 2] certainly see you long and [often] on Saturday and Sunday. I am really homesick for the littlest girl.

I feel that I must have been very stupid not to write you of Sarahs wedding. It was a very fine day and the big county house with the open field and posies the sleighs full of people -- only thirty five after all -- driving up with their gay bells made it quite picturesque and jolly. [page 3] "They" are in New Orleans just now but may be in Chicago until July 1st. The final location is uncertain. There is much to tell about H. H and I shall hold forth at great length when I come a month ↑and two days↓ from today!

My love to you all,

Always your loving aunt

J. A.

Kisses from Jane

[six circular marks]

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