Dear Lady: I want to send you a [illegible] message from this international house by the side of the road that leads to a better understanding between peoples & states.
I do not want to leave at all & really -- if I knew French I think I should stay on & help dear Miss Balch -- who with the quaint house -- is filling so important a place at this moment -- she has such a real relationship with the Secretariat of the League of Nations, and is so remarkably clever and genial in meeting every person & issue. There seems hardly a moment of leisure in her day [page 2] her spirit of toleration towards all human beings is like your own, and must make its impress on others as it does on me. She took me to see Dame Rachel Crowdy director of the Social Services of the League. Mr. Arthur Sweetser asst. director of Publicity a nephew of Mrs. Will Hibbard has been to see me. These conferences -- also with the Labor Bureau -- makes me & all of us here feel that the women of America ought to, in some way really understand the importance of the Secretariat. I am impressed that it is a [going?] concern & most useful. If only America can catch on to the humiliating position we are in.
Dame Crowdy told me that of all the civilized states the U.S. refused to answer the [questionnaire] sent out on White Slave traffic -- Turkey stands with us -- what a partner. France refused to sign the Convention but the other states signed it ↑even Germany↓. Your idea that we might begin with this kind of humanitarian work with the League -- grows upon me as I talk with these secretaries. I have written Miss Ludington asking if it is not possible to send a committee of women to study the League -- for the Secretariat are eager to help every one of us of the prodigal nation to understand. Then if pressure could be brought upon Republicans to [cooperate] just on the White Slave Traffic -- there are the Opium Questions -- very few ↑of us↓ know that we are the 2nd [illegible] exporters to Japan & and thence [illegible]. [page 3] I am conscious that you know all of these things -- but if contact has stirred my soul it would be well to send over more ladies & have them catch the [germ?].
Mrs. Sweetser has lately returned from U.S. & is feeling sure that the Democrats will make the League an issue. [How?] can't the Rep. see that by beginning to [cooperate] with the Social Section on those questions that we are quite ready for -- I believe: they could ↑then↓ take the wind out of the sails of the Democrats. I wonder where Pinchot and Beveridge stand? I shall be here again in September -- & am wanting to remain for the Labor Conference in October -- Miss Balch is very busy over the Summer Schools ↑& makes me↓ wish that I could get to one of them. With a greater longing for money & personal [experiences] & that I might [illegible] help this house & all it stands for [for?] the next five years at least.
I am [lovingly]
Mary McDowell
[page 1] Miss Balch send love & says she will write soon.