Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, May 2, 1921


May 2, 1921

Dear Mrs Blaine:

Things look very badly for us in Springfield, and we have almost made up our minds that we ought to compromise and try to get the Bill amended in two particulars. First that the permits should be issued by Certificating Bureaus, which the Compulsory Education Law provides for, and which give permits to children to go to work. In the counties where no certificating Bureaus are established, the certificates are issued by the superintendent of the School. The Bureaus and the Schools have some means of knowing about the children. The second amendment would be to strike out the objectionable occupations such as contortionists and wire rope dancing and so forth.

I am leaving for Springfield [page 2] on Tuesday night. We will have a hearing before the Senate Judiciary at half past two on Wednesday, and the chances are that the Bill will come on the floor of the Senate on Thursday morning, and possibly before the House. Would it be possible for you to send a signed letter to each member of the senate Judiciary which I have marked in the enclosed pamphlet? Although if it were on the desk of every member of the Senate by Thursday morning that might be even more useful.

We are not sure that the matter comes up to the House this week, but if it does might I telegraph you to also send letters to them? We are getting ready a mimeographed copy of the enclosed for each Senator.

Hastily yours,

Jane Addams [signed]