Florence Converse to Jane Addams, March 26, 1921

259 Newbury Street,

March 26, 1921.

Dear Miss Addams: --

I am forwarding your letters about Salzburg to Miss Scudder who is now in Italy; but I do not think that there is any chance of her being able to do what you suggest. She has gone to Europe, partly to rest from the teaching and lecturing which, even in a year of vacation, she [page 2] cannot escape on this side of the Atlantic. She needs the rest from teaching, very much indeed. Then, too, her plans do not take her near Salzburg. She is to be in Assisi this spring, and she goes to England early in June. If all goes well with me, my mother and I shall join her there.

I know she will be glad to get your letter.

Sincerely yours,

Florence Converse

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