William E. Keily to Jane Addams, February 26, 1920

5624 Dorchester Avenue
Chicago, February 26, 1920
Miss Jane Addams,

Dear Madam:

I am sorry if it is true, as stated in a newspaper, that a department of the University of Toronto has canceled an invitation by which you had been asked to address it. I am sorry not for your sake, because you, who have been described as the foremost citizen of the United States, cannot be injured by this incident; but I am sorry if our Canadian [page 2] friends (or perhaps I should say a group of Canadians) have become recreant to the great principle of free speech -- a group apparently influenced by newspaper attacks which are unfair and misleading.

But I am glad to seize the opportunity to express my great admiration for the simple goodness and lofty courage by which you apply notable ability to ↑further↓ whatsoever is true, honest, lovely and of good report. Permit me to say, Madam, that, in a world of discouragement, you are a credit to our country and our city.

With great respect,

William E. Keily

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