Proposition by Lydia Chichmanova, December 1919


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Proposition by Madame Lydia [Chichmanova], Weissensteinstr. 93, Bern.

At this tragic moment in our history, there are so many unhappy peoples in Europe that our League, whose motto is, "Without just peace, no lasting peace" is forced to pay attention from all sides. In this way the attention is dispersed. For our [illegible] work and our efforts to have the best possible result, it would be necessary to close at least some section or commissions which study in particular each important problem.

One of these formidable and threatening problems for the whole world has always been the EASTERN QUESTION.

I remember how during the first balcanic quarrel in 1912, the newspapers all over Europe proclaimed with satisfaction: "The fire is circumscribed in the Balcans". So all of Europe, calm and placed behind a wall, calmly contemplated the fire in which we were burning. A very near future showed that this security was only an illusion, the spark that ignited the world war - comes from the Balkans.

At the moment a sign in Paris of a peace that amputates Bulgaria, which delivers almost a third of the nation to foreign domination, revenge and reprisals. Do you believe that Macedonia, which for half a century has not ceased to fight for its independence, will consent to keep quiet from now on? Do you believe that the Dobroudjians, whose national conscience is so great, will resign themselves to accepting a foreign language in schools and social and political institutions which do not meet the Bulgarian ideal - that of democracy? - No!

And remember: no peace in the Balcans, no peace in the world. And I insist: it is even to the point of purely selfishness that Europe should study and help to resolve the question of the East.

I therefore suggest that you set up a special committee to study this problem and, if possible, send this committee to carry out an investigation on the spot. - I request that my proposal be transmitted to the headquarters of our league to be examined and if possible carried out.