Arthur Piper Kellogg to Jane Addams, July 16, 1919


July 16, 1919.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am writing for Mr. DeForest, who has called a meeting of the Board of Survey Associates for Thursday evening, July 24, and for Mr. Norton, who has invited us as his guests for dinner and over night at Glen Cove.

Mr. Norton is arranging for motor cars to be at the Hotel Gotham, Fifth Avenue at Fifty-fifth Street, at four o'clock (Thursday, July 24), and guests are asked to be in readiness there. The return Friday morning will be in season to meet business hours.

I hope very much that you will be able to be present, as the leisure of an evening meeting under such circumstances will afford us a genuine opportunity not only to canvass the gains made by the Survey in the last six months and arrange for $7000 needed to clear our fiscal year ending September 30, but to make constructive decisions essential to next year's work, if the staff is to enter the fall with sureness of footing, and we are to do justice to the very stirring, if precarious, opportunity before the Survey in this transition period between war and peace.

Please reply to me.

Sincerely yours,


Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

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