Jane Addams to Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, June 15, 1918

June 15th, 1918.

My dear Mrs. Coolidge:

For several years you have kindly sent a contribution to the Hull-House Fresh Air Fund which, as you may recall, secures a two weeks' vacation for a thousand children -- the younger ones with their mothers -- at the Joseph T. Bowen Country Club, situated on Sheridan Road, two miles north of Waukegan.

On the seventy-two acres there the children garden, care for poultry, rabbits and sheep, pick berries and the little girls have lessons in canning and drying fruits. Last summer the boys cultivated ten acres of potatoes; this year the agricultural activity is under the direction of a young women's farm unit, consisting of several college girls. This special "war work" for the children is in addition to their recreations of swimming, hiking and hay-rick rides and other country sports.

While we realize that many unusual demands are being made upon you, we hope that in this "children's year" you may be willing to contribute to the health and well-being of these citizens of the future, who would otherwise spend the summer in the hot and dusty city.

Thanking you for your generosity in the past, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

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