Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, March 25, 1918



Your letter came after I had sent mine off & I was mighty glad to get it.

I am really standing the trip very well [although] I have moments of thinking that I ought not to have tried it.

Monday P.M. Palo Alto.

I have just had your [page 2] second letter, I am feeling much better this morning, really spoke quite well yesterday and have had an awfully nice time with the Jordans & some other people who were in last night.

Mrs Karsten writes that the operetta has taken in $900.00 & will clear $500.00 [page 3] that is pretty fine -- isn't it?

I am enclosing Miss [illegible] letter, it looks as if we would have to keep her next year doesn't it, she & Miss [Cykler?] are both much interested in farm work, why couldn't we get up a unit of our own girls & pay them $15 a month. [page 4] I think that we really must do some real farming at Waukegan this summer.

The people here give much advice about Del Monte, I am told that we must see Carmel & Point Lobos. Please give my love to Eleanor. I am always & forever yrs J. A.

March 25th 1918