Rose Dabney Forbes to Jane Addams, March 16, 1918


March 16, 1918

My dear Miss Addams:

I know you will be interested to learn that we have changed the name of the Massachusetts Branch of the Woman's Peace Party -- and I hope you will like the new name: League for Permanent Peace. We keep our [subtitle], only adding "Massachusetts Branch" so that it reads:

"Massachusetts Branch of the Section for the United States of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace."

I will enclose copy of a short statement I am sending out to our members, which will explain our reasons for the change, though I think you know them already. Our efficient secretary, Mrs. Gorham, thought of the name -- League for Permanent Peace -- and the moment I heard it I was struck by it. [page 2] I feel that it is really the best name that any peace society has yet found.

I trust that all goes well with you, dear Miss Addams, and that you will not be tired by your western trip.

↑With every good wish

I am

Very cordially yours↓

Rose D. Forbes. [signed]