Herbert Clark Hoover to Jane Addams, March 2, 1918




March 2, 1918

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Illinois

My dear Miss Addams:

The Food Administration has decided to practically end its speaking service. We have, therefore, taken the liberty of sending your list of engagements to the Committee on Public Information in the hope that you will continue to speak under Government auspices on food conservation.

It is because of the people's unbounded confidence in you that we appreciate your willingness to interpret for them the message of the Food Administration, knowing that confidence in our speakers results in the best kind of reaction. We thank you for your support of our program on the public platform. Requests for your help will hereafter be referred to Mr. Creel's Department.

With kindest personal regards, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Herbert Hoover [signed]

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