Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Nellie Baldwin, March 2, 1918

March 2nd,
Mrs. Nellie Baldwin,
6622 St. Lawrence Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Mrs. Baldwin:

Miss Addams just before she left the city, asked me to thank you for your letter of February 26th, and to send you some of the material which we have in this office in reference to "Military Training in Schools".

I think she feels from your letter that you do not really need this material, for you seem to have all the facts at hand, but perhaps you would find it useful for distribution purposes.

It is a pleasure to find now and then someone who feels keenly the disadvantage of "Military Training" as a permanent policy in our school system.

Should you care for additional copies of this material, I hope you will send for them.

Yours sincerely,

Executive Secretary.

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