Mina Caroline Ginger Van Winkle to Jane Addams, February 18, 1918

FROM Speaking Division

CHARGE TO Official February 18, 1918.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Illinois

Reference your kind offer to represent this Department during your trip to California, Food Administrator is very anxious have you make address New Orleans. Can you not go California by Southerly route and take in New Orleans either on way out or back. If so please set date or choice of two. Would much appreciate your acceptance. Following wire just received "Want to secure Jane Addams for either March nineteen or twenty for convention of Women's Club of San Joaquin Valley district, embracing seven counties to be held at Hanford, California. Letter to follow. Mrs. W. A. Fitzgerald, President San Joaquin Valley District, Women's Federal Club ↑Fresno↓." Please [illegible] advise.

Van Winkle
Food Administration.