Jane Addams to William Z. Alexander, March 11, 1906


March 11, 1906.

My dear Mr. Alexander:

On Mr. Crissey's suggestion I am sending directly to you the third article of my series with an apology for my delay. In case it is much too long I should suggest the omission of the first four pages in toto which would eliminate the charitable aspect of the House and begin with the educational. In case something less drastic is needed, I have indicated most of page two which can come out without injury to the article. If these suggestions do not fit in with the available space, I should of course be glad to cut it myself although I realize that I am disgraced by the delay of this article and have no right to ask for favors. I venture to hope, however, that I am going to see at least one proof.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mr. Wm. Z. Alexander,
Managing Editor Ladies' Home Journal,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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