George Record Peck to Jane Addams, January 15, 1906

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company,
Railway Exchange, Chicago.

January 15, 1906.

My dear Miss Addams:-

On my return this morning from Washington, I find your letter of the 9th. Will you not kindly advise me how much my subscription was last year? I do not remember the amount, but shall be very glad to renew it this year, if you will kindly let me know what it is.

I have for years hoped to pay a visit to Hull House, about which I have heard and read so much, but which I have never seen. Some day I hope to accept your kind invitation. Believe me, I most heartily sympathize with the great [page 2] work you are doing.

Yours very truly,

G.R. Peck [signed]

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
335 S. Halsted St.,

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