Mina Caroline Ginger Van Winkle to Jane Addams, November 30, 1917


November 30, 1917

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

We are in receipt of a communication from the Civic Secretary of the Woman's City Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, stating that they will expect you to represent the Food Administration on January 12, 1918. We are very glad to have you fill this engagement for us.

As yet we have received no reply to our wire of the 23rd inst. in which we asked if you can represent this department at the State meeting of Florida women to be held in Jacksonville, December 11 and 12.

Mrs. B. L. Armes of the Chamber of Commerce Jacksonville, states that they will be very glad to pay your expenses and to arrange for your hospitality while in their city.

If you have not already done so will you please wire as if it is possible for you to fill this engagement so that we may let the Florida people have your reply in time to properly advertise the meeting if you are to be there.

With much appreciation of your courtesies, we are,

Sincerely yours,

United State Food Administration
Speaking Division.