Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Flora L. Menzel, December 14, 1917


December 14, 1917. 

My dear Miss Menzel:

In answer to your letter of December 12th, I take great pleasure in sending you, under separate cover, material in reference to The Woman's Peace Party, which is the section for the United States of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace.

The Woman's Peace Party was organized in January, 1915, and the meeting of which you read was our third annual meeting. I am including in the material I am sending you a copy of our platform and an application blank for membership, in case you wish to join us. In a few days I will send you a copy of the resolutions which were passed at our annual meeting.

Very sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.

Miss Flora L. Menzel,
3507 Center St.,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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