Jane Addams to Stanley Ross Linn, January 17, 1918


My dear Stanley

I will write you while waiting for my committee to assemble. I started home from N.Y. last evening and found your letters and the telegram.

John's address in New York is

2 Marble Hill Ave. N.Y. City

his school is, Trinity School

139 West 91st St. N.Y. City

his address abroad is

c/o Y.M.C.A.
12 Rue d'Aguesseau
Paris France.

He expected to start on the 15th but has received no orders and does not know how long he may be delayed. He goes with the Y.M.C.A. instead of the chaplain post he arranged for first. [page 2]

I think that you and Myra are the only ones to decide what you ought to do. ↑No one else can tell about it really.↓ Our coming to Cal. is a little vague just now because it is so difficult to travel. I will write more fully tomorrow but I am getting this off now that you may have the latest news about John.

With love to the family,

Always your loving aunt

Jane Addams

Jan'y 17" [1918]