Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, September 26, 1917

Lake Geneva Wis.
Sept 26" 1917

Dearest Lady

I have had a horrid attack of bronchitis so am once more back to writing with a pencil -- which I hope you won't mind.

I haven't heard from you for so long a time that I can't help getting anxious in regard to your persistent malady, and also in regard to the A.U. agt Mil.

Do let me know about both of them, are you are as to health and whether you are still our Prest. Isn't everything too perplexing just now. I wish I might see you for a little while on the sheer basis of companionship -- one does long for "like minded" friends. [page 2]

This is one of the most beautiful spots near Chicago, some time you must come on for a rest and let us do some motoring. Perhaps you will see Mary on her way home, [our] plans just now are very vague owing to illness of a guest in the [Hull's] Cove house.

Always yours devotedly

Jane Addams

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