Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Mary Derrick Coleman, April 25, 1917


April 25th, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Coleman: --

Miss Addams has asked me to answer your kind letter of April 21st and to send you some material in reference to the organization of the Woman's Peace Party. I am also enclosing a copy of the "Program During War Time", which has just been published by the Executive Board of the Woman's Peace Party. I am sending quite a few pamphlets in reference to military training in the schools and compulsory military service, two measures which we feel should be combatted in every way. I am enclosing also an application for membership in the Woman's Peace Party, hoping that you will feel interested to ally yourself with us and to receive notices and pamphlets as they are sent out by our organization. Should any group of women, with whom you are connected, wish to affiliate with the Woman's Peace Party, we [would] be very glad indeed to have them do so. This means an annual membership of $5.00, whereas an individual membership is $1.00. If I can answer any questions in any way please let me know and I shall be very glad indeed to do so.

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary.

Mrs. M. O. Coleman,
Kansas. (R.F.D. 8)

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