Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, January 28, 1917



My dear Marcet --

I am sending you a box containing a little comfortable purchased at the French bazaar by Mary Smith, a baby jacket knit by Clara Landsberg -- and a huge blanket knit by me, it is too big I am afraid but you can keep it for [page 2] the baby's second crib!

The package sets forth with the love and best wishes of all of us for the new mother and baby -- Henry or Alice as the case may be.

With my best love to the happy family, Always your loving aunt

Jane Addams

Jan'y 28" 1917 [page 3]


I saw Mrs Fox yesterday, she expects to go to Girard of course and promises to come to see us again before she starts. Do let me know when you are coming to Cedarville.

The five books for which I sent do not come. You must scold your publisher!