Jane Addams to Rose Dabney Forbes, February 14, 1917


My dear Mrs. Forbes:

A report in the papers this morning from Washington, telling what the Committee had done there on February 12th, gave me a new light on your telegram.

I think I was perhaps stupid not to understand it better. I think there has been no special authorization in regard to the referendum vote, but it at least makes for delay. It is a request made to Congress and not to the President and is in the line of extending democratic control. I am quite anxious that the Woman's Peace Party should not go further in these matters until after our meeting on February 21st. I think that is the advantage of this Emergency Committee that individuals can act promptly as the crisis develops without committing regular organizations.

Appreciating your telegram and hoping to see you in New York, I am

Faithfully yours,

Mrs. J. Malcolm Forbes,
280 Adams St.,
Milton, Massachusetts.