Vida Dutton Scudder to Jane Addams, April 27, 1902

Assisi, Umbria,
April 27, 1902.

Dear Miss Addams:-

It did me a world of good to see your hand-writing again, and I have especial pleasure in receiving your book here, in S. Francis' Country, where Miss Dudley & I have first betaken ourselves, in our search for rest and refreshing. I will tell you all I think about the book, just as soon as I can [page 2] gather strength and time to read it. I shall not wait long,—but I still have to choose times & reasons carefully, even for my best pleasures. Wasn't it silly of me to break down? The worst of my enforced idleness is over now, I trust,--and I am already working away at a queer (modern) Franciscan sort of book--called "A Listener in Babel". It is a series of imaginary [page 3] conversations,-- I do hope you will like it, if ever it appears. ↑It has been on hand a long while.↓ Also, I managed to write a series of articles on "social" lines for "The Atlantic" during the winter. But it has seemed strange indeed to have so many long hours and weeks and months pass in waiting.

Miss Dudley sends her love and means [page 4] to write you,-- indeed, for all I know, she is writing this minute.

Affectionately & gratefully yours,
Vida D. Scudder.

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