My dear Miss [Wark]:
Your letter addressed to Miss Addams has been referred to the office because Miss Addams felt that we could give you material from here that might be useful to you in your desire to help in our work. We have a very strong branch of the Woman's Peace Party in Boston, which is working in all possible ways, which eagerly welcomes help and we also have a number of other branches and affiliated [organizations] throughout the state, but not in Middleton.
I am sending you under separate cover some of the material which <we> have published in this office and I am enclosing in this letter a copy of our Constitution and of our Platform. You will see that you can either join as a National Member-at-large by the payment of $1.00 and the endorsement of our Platform or you may be able to interest a number of women and either form a branch of the Woman's Peace Party in Middleton or else so interest the women of some already-organized club that they will affiliate with our Party. There is always work to be done, both by groups and by individuals.
I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I am just sending out which will show you one of the ways in which you can help. Again the question of military training in the schools is coming up all over the country and we are bending every effort to defeat the bills for compulsory military service which are to be introduced into all the legislatures meeting this January and at the same time we are urging that compulsory physical training be [substituted]. I am enclosing in the package which I am sending you some material in reference to military training in the schools. If you can distribute among the teachers of your town additional copies of this material, I will be glad to send them to you for the postage charges. In all of these ways, you see, you can help and in many other ways which will occur to you, I am sure.
Please let us know if we can help you in any way. We are eager to get in touch with people who feel as we do.
Sincerely yours,
Office Secretary