While referring to my preceding letters, I have the pleasure to enclose a questionary of the Committee of Research I augmented and revised according to suggestions of several members of the committee.
As you will see the alterations have left the general idea of the preliminary questionary unchanged; the alterations -- I hope you will consider them improvements -- only wish to make it more complete and understandable.
The questionary, such as it is now, must be regarded as definite. I therefore beg you to take note of it, and to send me as quickly as possible your answers and your proposals, after receipt of the answers, I shall make an extract whereupon the draft for the final report may be founded. Next I shall send this to all the members of the Committee for a final examination.
I have already received answers -- founded on the preliminary questionary -- from Mr. de Beaufort and Prof. David Starr Jordan. Besides Mr. Starr Jordan has written in the "[Recueil des] Rapports sur les différents points du Programme-Minimum" part first published by the "Central [Organization] for a Durable Peace" an article, called: "Annexation and Conquest".
I also wish to draw your attention to the articles of the second part of the same publication
concerning the subjects of the Committee VI, but greatly touching our studies.
If by chance, you have not received the "[Recueil] des Rapports" please write to the Bureau, Theresiastraat 51 The Hague and [page 2] it will [immediately] be forwarded to you.
Mr. Paul Otlet has also written a report: "Les peuples et les nationalités. Problèmes généraux. Solutions générales" in the "[Illme] Conférence des Nationalités, Lausanne 27 juin 1916. Documents préliminaires" which I strongly advise, likewise the list of publications for reference, p. 59, same volume.
Also are to be recommended:
Arnold Toynbee: "Nationality and the War", London, J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. 1915.
Bibliothèque de guerre, Paris, Ligue des droits de l'homme & du citoyen. 1 rue Jacob, 1916.
Th. Ruyssen: "Le problème des nationalités"
Gabriel Séailles: "[l'Alsace-Lorraine]".
"Almanach de la Paix par le droit. 1915, Plon-Nourrit & Cie, éditeurs, rue Garancière 8 & 10, Paris.
Hoping soon to receive your answer, I remain
yours truly
(signed) Th. Adelswärd.
Åtvidaberg, Sweden, November 1916.