Theodor Adelswärd to Jane Addams, November 1916


While referring to my preceding letters, I have the pleasure to enclose a questionary of the Committee of Research I augmented and revised according to suggestions of several members of the committee.

As you will see the alterations have left the general idea of the preliminary questionary unchanged; the alterations -- I hope you will consider them improvements -- only wish to make it more complete and understandable.

The questionary, such as it is now, must be regarded as definite. I therefore beg you to take note of it, and to send me as quickly as possible your answers and your proposals, after receipt of the answers, I shall make an extract whereupon the draft for the final report may be founded. Next I shall send this to all the members of the Committee for a final examination.

I have already received answers -- founded on the preliminary questionary -- from Mr. de Beaufort and Prof. David Starr Jordan. Besides Mr. Starr Jordan has written in the "[Recueil des] Rapports sur les différents points du Programme-Minimum" part first published by the "Central [Organization] for a Durable Peace" an article, called: "Annexation and Conquest".

I also wish to draw your attention to the articles of the second part of the same publication

by Mr. Hamilton Holt: "Concerted Action"
by Mr. Paul Otlet: "Mesures concertées"

concerning the subjects of the Committee VI, but greatly touching our studies.

If by chance, you have not received the "[Recueil] des Rapports" please write to the Bureau, Theresiastraat 51 The Hague and [page 2] it will [immediately] be forwarded to you.

Mr. Paul Otlet has also written a report: "Les peuples et les nationalités. Problèmes généraux. Solutions générales" in the "[Illme] Conférence des Nationalités, Lausanne 27 juin 1916. Documents préliminaires" which I strongly advise, likewise the list of publications for reference, p. 59, same volume.

Also are to be recommended:

Arnold Toynbee: "Nationality and the War", London, J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. 1915.

Bibliothèque de guerre, Paris, Ligue des droits de l'homme & du citoyen. 1 rue Jacob, 1916.

Th. Ruyssen: "Le problème des nationalités"

Gabriel Séailles: "[l'Alsace-Lorraine]".

"Almanach de la Paix par le droit. 1915, Plon-Nourrit & Cie, éditeurs, rue Garancière 8 & 10, Paris.

Hoping soon to receive your answer, I remain

yours truly

(signed) Th. Adelswärd.

Åtvidaberg, Sweden, November 1916.