Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, October 31, 1902


My dear Alice

I wrote you the day after I had been at Rockford, my letter must have miscarried, Marcet seemed to me very well and happy and looked as neat and tidy as possible.

I would suggest that she have a good lamp in her room on a solid table at which she could study and spread out her lexicons [etc], the gas seemed poor outside of that the room was very attractive and both girls very happy -- [page 2]

I am much disappointed that you can't come to Kansas City. I have an appointment the day after the K.C. appointment in Jefferson City, and the Sunday before I am planning at St Louis leaving late Saturday night after speaking in Chicago. I get my appointments as on a [ride?] at this time of the year. We have just had a beautiful loan from the Field museum. I wish that you might see the textile room now. I am so sorry about your dreadful rash, [page 3] it must come to an end at last--and I wish that we might hasten it!

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

Oct 31" 1902

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