Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jane Addams, August 15, 1916


August 15th, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. Thomas has been called south because of serious illness in her family and left last night, expecting to return next Sunday. Before she left she told me that she would take up with Mr. Chenery the question of reprinting in booklet form the article published in "The Guide Post," after enlarging it somewhat. She will probably write to you in reference to the matter or perhaps Mr. Chenery will write himself.

In reference to the fund for "Radical:" You will remember that on May third Mr. Lucien Price wrote me that he was arranging a fixed scheme for collecting money for his friend and would communicate with me when the details of this plan had been worked out. I am enclosing a copy of that letter. I wrote him that we would be glad to hear from him as soon as his plans had matured and that in the meantime we would take such sums as might come to us and hold them for him. I have written him [today] asking him whether his plan has developed sufficiently to enable us to [cooperate] in carrying it out and informing him that in the meantime we have received pledges for $60.00 in this office and that I should be glad to send this to him at any time. As soon as I hear from him again, I shall write you in reference to this matter.

I am enclosing a letter from Miss Macmillan recently received. The suggestions in reference to the proposed World Conference have been copied and a copy kept in this office. I am also enclosing a letter in reference to the same matter from Mrs. Fannie Fern Andrews.

Mrs. Pelham left last night for Pentwater. She has been so very kind to me while I have been her neighbor that I shall miss her a great deal, but she looked very happy as she started off on the boat.

Most sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Jane Addams,
Bar Harbor, Maine.