Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, September 13, 1916


September 13, 1916

Miss Jane Addams
Bar Harbor, Maine

Dear Miss Addams:

My four days at Hulls Cove were a real boom to me; and I hope they will be typical of your summer -- beginning in fogs and ending in sun splashed waves, and shore and woods.

The returns which have come in for our special number on Social Preparedness have been rather meager. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Alger declined, as you will see by the enclosed. Mr. Lane found that he would not be in England long enough to work up the hospital on the health end. And Mr. Lasker has been unable to get the material he needs from England.

I shall be writing reminders to the others this week, and should be glad of any suggestions from you to fill in the gaps. Meanwhile, Mr. Steiner sends us the enclosed. While it is not just what we had in mind for that issue, it strikes me as a pretty stirring and striking piece of writing, getting better as you read along.

I am hopeful that we may get Mr. Mead to recast his article; and a note I find from him on getting back in New York seems to indicate his willingness to do so.

Thank you for sending Mr. Bicknell's manuscript down. I did not write for it, as I found we had duplicates here.
