Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, July 27, 1916


July 27, 1916.

Miss Jane Addams
Bar Harbor, Maine

Dear Miss Addams:

Miss Chamberlain got the letters off to Miss Shelly and Miss Balch. The letter is, as we understand it, still with Mrs. Holt. The date given in the papers for the arrival of the [Bergensfjord] is Saturday, and the steamship line confirms this. Miss Shelly is planning to meet her; her address, by the way, is 70 Fifth Avenue.

Professor Mead's article reached us; but as we are enforcedly keeping our August magazine number down to thirty-two pages to save expenses, I was not able to include it, but our hope is to handle it some time later.

Miss Chamberlain tells me that Mr. Murray now says he intends to return directly to England as soon as his course is finished, -- about the second week in August.
