Jane Addams to Esther Margaret Linn, March 18, 1901


My dear Esther

[Enclosed] please find a statement of the sale of the Storm Lake house for which the check arrived this morning.

You see that your final share is $455.23 which I have deposited in the Savings dept of the Northern Trust Co.

I think that we would better leave it there quite untouched until next fall at least.

It looks now as if I would be able to do little lecturing next year, and in that case [page 2]  I will not be able to pay your University bills. I will promise however to supplement the balance needed to take you through the two years, if you consent to keep this amount for your school bills -- keeping your clothes and incidentals within the other three hundred which you have now as the income for that.

I will hand over the bank book when I see you next or you can leave it here until next fall as you like.

If there is any thing about the statement that you don't understand, I will explain when [page 3] I see you.

I got back from Ann Arbor this morning, in time to see J. Weber off this afternoon.

Always your loving Aunt.

Jane Addams

March 18, 1901

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