Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, October 15, 1902


October 15, 1902

Miss Jane Addams,

Dear Miss Addams:-

Here is a check for seventy-eight dollars and twenty-five cents ($78.25) for the miners. I wish I might increase it indefinitely. I think there is some more coming but I do not want to wait.

I am trembling over the issue still. Mr Mitchell is in a most delicate situation. The proposition of the operators was insolent to the President and an indignity to the miners in the way they tried to dictate the character of the commission. At the same time I was afraid that if the proposition is rejected public sentiment, which is so whimsical, will swing to the other side. And then, I have much confidence that Roosevelt would appoint a fair commission; indeed it would be very hard for him to appoint a commision that would not be a disappointment to those insolent operators. Dear me! if you have any wisdom, whisper it in his ear; anyhow, when you send the money, give them my blessing.

Brotherly yours,

Jenkin Lloyd Jones [signed]

P. S. Find enclosed also five dollars, received after writing this letter.

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