Harriet Park Thomas to Laura Hughes, December 15, 1915


My dear Miss Hughes:

Your letter to Miss Addams has been referred to me for an answer. The meeting about which Miss Macmillan cabled you was the meeting of the International Committee for Permanent Peace which was to have been held in Berne at the same time as the meeting of the [Anti-Oorlog].

It was expected the five permanent members of the committee from each country would attend this meeting at Berne, but only Miss Addams and Mrs. Andrews were planning to go from this country, and a request had been sent out from the central committee to have proxies appointed in case the regular delegates could not attend. Now it has been decided to appoint these proxies from the group of Americans who have gone on the Ford ship, but we are not yet ready to announce their names.

By this time you have, of course, heard of Miss Addams' illness which means that she will not be able to attend this postponed meeting in Amsterdam, so that she will have to be represented by a proxy also. We understand, however, that Mrs. Andrews is to go.

Miss Addams suggests that since Miss Julia Grace Wales, a member of the Ford expedition, is a Canadian that she be appointed to represent [your] country either as a regular delegate on this Committee or as a proxy. She wants you to understand, however, that this is merely a suggestion following the plan which is being adopted here in connection with proxies for the American delegates.

Do you receive the News-Letter from the International Committee at Amsterdam? If not, we shall be very glad to send you a copy of the one which comes to headquarters. Being in a belligerent country it is probably more difficult for you to receive foreign mail than it is for us, and ours has been very irregular. [page 2]

I remember with so much pleasure our trip together across the Atlantic. I should love to know something about what you are doing personally, as well as how the peace movement fares in Canada. Reports I have had from other sources are not encouraging.

This brings you my warm greeting and all good wishes for a happy holiday season.

Sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.

Miss Laura Hughes,
47 Dundonald Street,
Toronto, Canada.