Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, October 6, 1902


Oct. 6, 1902.

Dear Miss Addams;

This will introduce to you Miss Rosa M. Perdue, one of our graduate students, to whom we awarded last June a fellowship, to enable her to reside in the Social Settlement in Chicago during this year.  Those upon whom we relied to furnish the money have, however, failed us.  It is important that Miss Perdue should have the opportunity for residence in Chicago, and familiarize herself with social problems there.  She has a very fair prospect of a university position at the close of this academic year, dependent largely upon the opportunity to work in Chicago.  It has been occurred to me that if she could get some work in connection with the Charity Organization Society it would be a very excellent thing, familiarizing her with social problems in Chicago.  If you can help her to work of this kind, or to work of any sort, [we shall] cover expenses and enable her to secure the opportunity which she covets, it will be highly appreciated.

Faithfully yours,

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