Harriet Park Thomas to Nellie B. Van Slingerland, November 26, 1915


November 26, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Van Slingerland:

Miss Addams has sent to this office your letter to you and the first number of your new [magazine] "The World Aflame." As she must be in Detroit for a meeting [today], she has asked me to express to you her very sincere appreciation of this complimentary number of your magazine, the contents of which she considers exceedingly interesting and valuable.

However, as we have an unusual amount of printing on hand just now in connection with the recent meeting of the Woman's Peace Party in New York, and of the newly developed activities in our movement brought about by the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Miss Addams feels that she cannot take advantage of your kind offer to give us a special rate on [reprints].

Miss Addams asks me to express to you her sincere wish for the success of your magazine. We shall watch with interest for future numbers of "The World Aflame".

Sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.

Mrs. Nellie B. Van Slingerland,
11 East 35th Street,
New York City.

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