Margaret I. Nichols to Delia R. Reilley, October 20, 1915


October 20, 1915.

My dear Miss Reilley:

Your letter with its request for Peace literature came this morning, and I am sending [today] under separate cover several pamphlets which I think will help you in the preparation of your Peace Program.

Perhaps you do not know that we have a Peace speaker that goes out from headquarters to any club that wishes to have her merely for expenses. Mrs. Thomas is not only a most charming [woman], but a very [interesting] and interested worker for Peace. Her summer was spent on the coast organizing and speaking at various places including the International Conference of [Women] Workers to Promote Permanent Peace at San Francisco, California.

I believe she has several engagements in Iowa during the winter and perhaps arrangements could be made to have her come to DeWitt while she is in the state if you could take it up with your club.

Sincerely yours,

Assistant to Secretary.

Miss Delia R. Reilley,
The Pierian Club,
DeWitt, Iowa.