Caroline Foulke Urie to Jane Addams, July 1915

St Lukes Hospital

Dearest Miss Addams

Your delicious posy has been such a pleasure!

Despite the fact that I've felt [woefully] poor in spirit of late, [woefully] aware of my disabilities & inadequacies at a moment when, if ever in the world, there is need of exhaustless courage, energy & serviceableness -- still, indubitably, it is heartening to have a share (however little one deserves it) in the thought & overflowing kindness of those one loves & reverences.

Dear lady -- if you could know what depths of love & reverence!

I feel now, more than ever before, that the hope of the world is in you -- the touchstone of truth & rightness -- [page 2] in this blind muddle of error & suffering & degradation that "civilization" has got itself into!

Thank you & thank you -- just for living & being what you are!

Devotedly always

Caroline Foulke Ūrie

I meant to ask you the other day if you ever got a letter I sent you last spring, just after we had the news of your sister, Mrs Haldeman's death. It must have arrived after you had left for Holland -- & perhaps never reached you.

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