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  • Tags: Health

Addams writes Smith about her time in Cedarville, Illinois.

Hunter thanks Addams for sending a copy of Twenty Years at Hull-House and for his cherished time as a resident at Hull-House.

Addams writes Wald about her schedule of commitments over the next few weeks and provides an update her health and on the health of Mary Rozet Smith, as well.

Addams writes Smith about her stay to New York and her difficulty writing.

Addams writes Haldeman about a hearing on the Child Labor Law in Illinois and discusses her upcoming travel plans.

Addams writes Haldeman about travel changes due to Mary Rozet Smith's sudden illness.

Addams writes Haldeman about the costs for flowers and tickets, the total of which they will share, and sends news about the sad pall cast by the death of Joseph Bowen.

Addams writes Wald about Mary Smith's return to Chicago, Joseph Bowen's death, and the progress of the Chicago Child Welfare Exhibit.

Addams invites Wald to visit Hull-House with Irene Lewisohn and discusses Mary Rozet Smith's health.

Sachs informs Addams that he has an opening available at Edwards Sanitarium for Charles Hulbert in June.

Addams writes Lathrop about her health and plans for an upcoming event.

Addams asks Smith about the continuing health problems of her father and expresses her regret to be away and unable to be of more help.
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Addams updates Lathrop on her stay in Maine and offers advice on Lathrop's work with the Juvenile Court in Chicago.

Coman reassures Addams about her health, compliments her new article in McClure's Magazine, and discusses plans for the International Institute for Girls in Spain.

Addams writes Wald with news of her work, Mary Rozet Smith, and Smith's father.

Brooks praises Addams' article on prostitution and then asks for assistance in relocating to Chicago to run her health business.

From the hospital bedside of her nephew, Addams thanks Ewing for the plant she sent at Christmas.

Addams writes Haldeman with news of family and an upcoming trip to Washington.

Writing from the hospital bedside of her nephew, Addams thanks Robins for the book she sent at Christmas.

Herbst praises Addams' series of articles in McClure's Magazine and shares some of his own opinions on the subject of sex.

Addams writes Haldeman with news about ailing family members, her writing, and her upcoming travels.

Addams writes Haldeman with news about the health of her grandnieces, her own health, her upcoming trip, and a fire at Hull-House on February 4.

Addams writes Haldeman with news of her stay in Georgia, her writing, and the health of family members.

Addams shares her horror over the execution of the defendants in the Fred Guelzow murder, provides Smith with a progress report on her writing, comments on two novels she has read, and shares her longing for Smith's presence.

In this sentimental letter to Smith, Addams covers everything from the weather and her health, a book publication, and travel plans