59 results

  • Mentions: Wilmarth, Mary Jane Hawes (1837-1919)

Schwimmer blasts Addams and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section for their lack of publicity and organizing work for the International Congress of Women and criticizes the impact that social workers have made on the peace cause.

Kellogg reminds Addams to send him a short piece on Mary Wilmarth.

Balch writes Addams about her personal life, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom office in Geneva, activities regarding prisoners of war, and international education.

Outlines the members, platforms and speakers at the December 8-10, 1916 meeting of the Woman's Peace Party.

Addams praises Wilmarth's impact on women's organizations, reform, settlements, and progressive politics in Chicago.

Karsten sends Kellogg a copy of Addams tribute to Mary Wilmarth for excerpting in the Survey.

Addams writes from the ship about the delegation aboard asks Smith to send a message to Mary Wilmarth.

Addams sends Wald donations for the International Congress of Women and asks for help arranging the New York meetings of the Woman's Peace Party.

Gale tells Addams that she won't be able to make the Woman's Peace Party meeting in Philadelphia and regrets not being able to see Addams.

Post can attend the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting held at Mary Jane Hawes Wilmarth's summer home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Mead consents to Addams's plan and desires to travel west to join those working near Chicago.

Addams proposes that the meeting of the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board be held at Mary Jane Hawes Wilmarth's country house near Chicago.

Addams proposes that the meeting of the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board be held at Mary Jane Hawes Wilmarth's country house near Chicago.

Addams asks Nichols to send out copies of an enclosed letter to members of the Woman's Peace Party National Board.

Landsberg writes to Haldeman about the health of Addams and wishes to visit Cedarville.

Addams writes explaining the situation in which the Woman's Peace Party cannot afford paying for Cumberson's ticket from California to the Executive Board meeting.

Karsten tells Lewis that Addams looks forward to seeing her at Hull-House.

Gale apologizes to Addams that she cannot attend a meeting.

Addams discusses plans for the upcoming Woman's Peace Party executive board meeting in Lake Geneva.

Post tells Addams about the difficulties faced by the Washington branch of the Woman's Peace Party due to differences of opinion over suffrage work.

Addams gives thanks for the present her niece arranged for her, and hopes to visit Cedarville after she returns from Lake Geneva.

Karsten discusses obtaining reprints of peace articles published in the New Republic for the Woman's Peace Party.

Spencer lets Addams know that she will meet the Woman's Peace Party board at Mary Wilmarth's.

Addams lists those who have contributed to the Woman's Congress After the War.

Addams invites Gale to lunch.