October 6th, 1917.
My dear Mrs. Post:
Miss Addams has asked me to send you the enclosed reprint from the New Republic, of which we secured five hundred copies, which we are sending to our members at large. I wish we might have been able to secure more of these, but unfortunately the type had been knocked down before I saw the reprints at all, and we took all they had left. I believe they were really printed by the Fellowship for Reconciliation.
I have written to the Editor of the New Republic, asking him how long they leave their type standing, and whether it would be possible to telegraph for reprints immediately after I have gotten my copy of the New Republic. Some of the articles are so wonderful that if we could get copies at once and send them to our members, I think that this would be the very best thing we could possibly do.
I am looking forward to the meeting at Mrs. Wilmarths.
Very sincerely yours,
Office Secretary