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  • Subject is exactly "Progressive Party, platform"

Addams talks to a New York Sun reporter about her decision to support Theodore Roosevelt and the new party in the presidential election.

Addams discusses challenges to social and industrial justice and how the Progressive Party program will help address them. Addams gave the speech at a Progressive rally held at the Lyric Theater.

A postcard summarizing the Progressive Party stance on establishing minimum wage commissions to ensure that people can earn a living wage.

A postcard summarizing the Progressive Party stand on labor reform.

A promotional postcard urging women to vote for the Progressive Party because it stands for woman suffrage.

An eight-page pamphlet summarizing Roosevelt's political record on labor.

Produced to appeal to woman voters, this Progressive Party pamphlet includes Jane Addams' nomination speech, a letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Addams, the party plank on equal suffrage, and the party's plans for democratic rule and social and industrial justice.

Upton is surprised that the leader of the Progressive Party is against suffrage while those who head the Republicans are for it.

Bok informs Addams that she cannot have an article published before the November election, but he would like her to write one essay per month about new issues women are facing for the Ladies' Home Journal.

Roosevelt verifies that he and the Progressive Party supports woman suffrage and asks her to make that stance known.

Addams seconds the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt as the Progressive Party candidate for the presidency.

Addams describes her experiences at the Progressive Party Convention, discussing how items were added to its platform, particularly labor and military planks, and its appeal to labor and women.
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Addams argues that women's interests coincide with the work the Progressive Party is doing and that they should support it.
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Addams discusses the labor situation in Chicago and argues that the Progressive Party will support the work of trade unions.
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Addams discusses working conditions for women and advocates for a minimum wage for female workers.
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Addams explains the Progressive Party's approach to child labor and legislation.
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Addams reports on the Progressive Party Convention, discussing how items were added to its platform, particularly labor and military planks, and her dismay about the conventions unjust treatment of African-Americans. This is one of a series of articles she prepared as part of the Progressive Party campaign in 1912.
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Addams discusses the labor situation in Chicago and argues that the Progressive Party will support the work of trade unions. This is one of a series of articles she prepared for the Central Press Association as part of the Progressive Party campaign in 1912.
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Addams discusses the process by which the government and politicians have taken up philanthropic work and argues that the Progressive Party is taking on many of the reforms philanthropists have been working on for years.

Jordan disagrees with Addams about the "progressive" qualities of Theodore Roosevelt, preferring instead the policies of Woodrow Wilson.

Hoffman thanks Addams for her work for the Progressive Party and woman suffrage.

Robins discusses the role of women in the Progressive Party and the promotion of the Pennsylvania Plan.

Kellogg informs Kellor that Jane Addams has accepted three reports on Progressive Party legislative work, pending his approval, which he provides.

Lewis asks for Addams' approval of the wording of a draft of the Progressive Party's Workmen's Compensation Act.

Hibben provides a detailed explanation for his resignation from the Progressive National Service, citing the dysfunction and inadequacies of the Chief of Service, Frances Kellor.