Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, December 11, 1914


December 11, 1914

My dear Mr. Kellogg: --

I have just read the two Peace articles.

The first one, to me, seems quite impossible because of its violent hostility to the church, although I quite agree with its conclusions.

I like Nasmyth's although it has rather a large title, don't you think so! Could we not perhaps say "The War and Immediate Social Progress"?

Dr. Taylor isn't very enthusiastic about the Peace number as I wrote you, but I think I will go on collecting the articles; then if we decide not to have them all in one number they will be on hand through the coming months of the war.

Professor Mead has promised something. He talks very interestingly on the sudden increase in national consciousness which has become so self assertive.

I have also asked Professor W. I. Thomas to write something from the [page 2] standpoint of racial antagonism, and have written to Miss Balch and Professor Reinsch.

Could not you ask Professor Giddings for something more? It seems to me that from the very start he has spoken words of wisdom.

I am enclosing Dr. Strong's article. It has, I think, the disadvantages of the author's style but seems to me to be valuable.

I have sent the two articles you sent me to Dr. Taylor and have asked him to return them directly to you. I would vote for Nasmyth's <[iillegible words]>. I can't quite make out what the other two are about.

I was much impressed with a call which came this morning for the meeting in New York on the 18th. It ought to make good copy. We are trying to do something of the same sort in Chicago but we haven't a single paper with us!

Always faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Paul U. Kellogg, Esq.,
New York, N.Y.