Edward K. Milliken to Jane Addams, August 26, 1912

The Mason Mfg. Company
High Grade Toy and Children's Furniture
Fidelity Building
Portland, Me.
Aug. 26, 1912.
Miss Jane [Addams],
c/o Mrs. Joseph T. Bowen,
Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear Madam: --

At the request of Mr. Halbert P. Gardner, National Committee man for Maine, I send you herewith list of the State Committee of the Progressive party for this State. There may be some changes in the list as at present made up, and I have checked the names of those as to whom there is at present some doubt. As soon as a perfect list can be made up, I will send you same.

Very truly yours,

E. K. Milliken
Secretary. [signed]

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